Gujarat Ayushman Card Hospital and showing Ayushman Card. Hospitals of all the districts of Gujarat have been included in this scheme. There are 33 districts in Gujarat whose government and private hospitals have been included in this scheme. It is being told here how you can see the names of hospitals of all the districts of Gujarat included in Ayushman Jan Arogya Yojana through mobile. You can go for treatment by looking at the names of hospitals in these Ayushman Card Hospital List In Gujarat PDF. To avail the benefits of this scheme, it is necessary to have Ayushman card. Without Ayushman card you will not be able to take advantage of this scheme
Ayushman Card Latest Hospital List : Highlight
Organization Name
Ayushman Card Latest Hospital List
Scheme Name
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
Central Government
Citizen of the Country
Official Website
Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojana
Under Ayushman Bharat Yojana, about 50 crore poor-deprived citizens of 10.74 crore poor-deprived families of the country will get free health services up to Rs.10 lakh per year.
Step 2 Now on the home page of the website, you have to click on the option of Find Hospital.
Step 3 Now a new page will open on your mobile, in this page you will see many options
Step 4 Now you have to select Gujarat in the state option and fill the captcha.
Step 5 After this you have to click on the search button.
Step 6 As soon as you click, the list of hospitals will open on the next page.
Step 7 To view the list better on mobile, you can try using your browser in desktop mode.
Step 8 For this, if you are using Chrome browser on your mobile, then you will have to click on the three dot option given at the top right of the Chrome browser.
Step9 As soon as you click, some options will appear and then you will c
lick on the desktop site option
Step10 Now a list of hospital names of the districts of Gujarat will appear on a new page. You can see more names by scrolling it and clicking on the page number.
Step11 In this way you can see the list of hospitals in the districts of Gujarat connected to Ayushman Yojana.